U.S. Doctors’ Clinical
Are You Ready for the Big Game?
The big game is more than just a football match—it’s an excuse to gather with friends and family, indulge in delicious food, and cheer for your favorite team. Whether you’re hosting a crowd or keeping it small, having the right game plan is key to throwing a winning party.
The Best Ways for Adults Over 65 to Get Active
As we age, we may slow down but it is important to never stop moving. Staying physically active is essential for adults to maintain their independence throughout their lives. The CDC recommends that adults over the age of 65 should complete at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. -
What Varying Temperatures Mean for Your Joints
Cold weather can be a pain in the joints but some people can experience a cruel summer too. Both cold and warm weather can cause discomfort in different ways, for different reasons. Cold weather typically causes people to experience aching feelings, while warm weather can incite swelling. -
Travel Comfortably Past Age 50
When you’re young, you don’t mind uncomfortable road trips and cheap hotels, but one of the rewards of aging is the economic freedom to travel with a little more pizazz. Traveling can be bittersweet as we get older because while we finally have the time to enjoy the places we’ve always dreamed about, our bodies can’t take the strain of long days like we used to. -
The Best Arthro Product For You
If you’re looking for a quality, clinically proven joint support supplement, you’ve come to the right place. Each ingredient in Arthro-7, Athro8, and Arthro-7 Sport was carefully chosen to help nourish connective tissue and support normal lubrication, support healthy inflammation response associated with physical exertion, and comfort joint mobility. -
Everything You Need To Know About Hip Replacement Surgery
Approximately 370,000 total hip replacements are performed in the US each year. A hip replacement is a surgery where a manmade implant replaces your total hip, or parts of it. -
What does it mean when my knees make noise?
If your knees snap, crackle, and pop more than rice cereal, you may feel concerned that it is a sign that there is something wrong with your joints. The good news is that these cracking noises are perfectly normal as long as they aren’t accompanied by pain. -
Can Joints Predict The Weather?
Although the meteorologist on your local news is often wrong about the weather, you’re sure you can feel the forecast in your bones — and you’re not wrong! According to pain management specialist Dr. Robert Bolash, significant anecdotal evidence shows that weather changes affect joint pain. -
Can Gut Health Impact Joints?
What’s your gut telling you? Home to trillions of microorganisms, it is essential to maintain a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in order to support your immune system, mood... -
11 Foods You Should Be Eating for Joint Health
Whether you are 35 years old or newly retired, joint health should be a priority. Oftentimes, people aren’t concerned about their joints until they get older, but what we do in ... -
7 Benefits of Arthro-7
Our best-selling Arthro-7 clinical joint recovery formula has been a customer favorite for over ten years, and for good reason. In fact, we can think of 7 good reasons right no... -
7 Ways to Celebrate Women's Health & Fitness Day
We women are great at showing up when others need us. But sometimes that means our own health and well-being gets put on the back burner. Between work and family, community and...